Virtual dancing in response to COVID-19
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On this page we record and discuss the virtual
dance sessions that arose in March 2020 when most sessions were closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This page is mostly for discussion, reactions, ideas, improvements. A (hopefully) comprehensive list of sessions, with times and links, can be found here.
This page is a stub, which means it's incomplete. If you'd like to help HoraWiki by improving it, first create an account if you don't have one, then log in to your account, and edit away!
General Discussion
(This section can be used for discussion not specific to a single session. Reactions to a specific session should be added in that session's section below.)
Page Minimal-Contact Partner Dances lists partner dances appropriate to virtual sessions, with discussion of the criteria.
Here is a section for each of the individual sessions; please add other sessions as new sections.
Virtual Chicago Israeli Dance Session
Thursdays 8:00 PM CDT, via zoom. Led by Phil Moss.
RIKUDELRAY, Israeli Dancing in the Palm Beaches
Mondays 7:00 PM EDT, via Facebook. Led by Ira Weisburd.
The 44th Annual (Virtual) Israel Folkdance Festival of Boston
Not an interactive session, but a YouTube substitute for this year's Boston Festival.
Let's Dance Live with Maurice Peretz
Wednesdays at 8:30 PM EDT, via Facebook. Led by Maurice Perez.
The Worldwide Israeli Dance Marathon
A one-time, 24-hour event, with markidim spanning the globe. Details here.