Original Music

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Dances that are usually done to an adapted version of the music.

The adaptation is usually a Hebrew version of the lyrics set to the original melody, sometimes a translation but often just similar-sounding words. Dances typically done to the original music aren't listed here, even if the lyrics aren't in Hebrew.

Click any column header to sort the table by that column.

Dance Name Original Name Language Translation Lyricist / Composer Notes/Links
Adon Olam La Femme de Mon Ami French My Friend's Wife René Blanc, Jacques Demarny, Enrico Macias Sung by Enrico Macias
Agadat HaSultan Μέσ της πόλης τα στενά Greek Alleyways of Istanbul Spyros Peristeris(?) / Giannis Papaioannou(?) sung by Stella Haskil; another version
Ahava Asura Elle était si jolie French She Was So Pretty Alain Barrière watch
Al Titni Lo El Camino Spanish The Road Gipsy Kings watch
Amru Lo Azzurro Italian Blue Paolo Conte & Vito Pallavicini / Paolo Conte & Michele Virano sung by Adriano Celentano
Ani Bach Shavui Πάω απόψε να τρελαθώ Greek I'm Going To Go Crazy Tonight Kosmas / Savvas Iliadis sung by Giorgos Giannias; lyrics
Ani Chozer HaBayta Lasciatemi Cantare Italian Let Me Sing Toto Cutugno performed by the composer; lyrics (with translations)
At Oti Shofetet Άντε Γεια Greek Goodbye Panos Falaras / Kostas Miliotakis performed by Kaiti Garbi; Greek lyrics
BaAviv At Tashuvi Chazara Au printemps tu reviendras French In the Spring, You Will Return Charles Aznavour listen
BaChof Shel Trapatoni Μια νύχτα μόνο δεν φτάνει Greek Just One Night is Not Enough Sotis Volanis & Panos Kamelis sung by Sotis Volanis
BeSof Ma'agal At the End of the Circle English Kenny Young more information here
Chad Gadya Alla Fiera dell'Est Italian At the Eastern Fair Luisa Zappa / Angelo Branduardi performed by Branduardi; more info
Chalom O Shnayim Τα Παιδιά του Πειραιά Greek The Children of Piraeus Manos Hadjidakis performed by Melina Mercouri. The song Never on Sunday also uses this music.
Chalon Mashkif زَينة / عزيزة Arabic Zeina / Aziza Mohammed Abdel Wahad Listen to Zeina Listen to Aziza
Cheruti Libertà Italian Freedom Albano Carrisi & Romina Power sung (lyric subtitles) by Al Bano & Romina
El Elohei Shamayim Ένα το χελιδόνι Greek One Single Swallow Mikis Theodorakis sung by Gregory Bithikotsis; lyrics/translation
Gan Chorpi Jardin d'Hiver French Winter Garden Benjamin Biolay & Keren Ann sung by Keren Ann; more info here
HaAviv Le printemps French The Spring Michel Fugain & Le Big Bazar watch
HaShoshana Porachat Los Bilbilicos (La Rosa Enflorese) Ladino The Little Nightingales folk sung; Also in English The Swallow by Richard Fariña
Ilu Tsiporim Si tous les oiseaux French If All the Birds Jean Broussolle / Jean-Pierre Calvet listen; lyrics
Irisim Γύρισε Greek Come Back! Nikos Fatseas / Giannis Vella Performed by Nikos Gounaris, by Stella Greca; lyrics
Isha Al HaChof Τώρα που πας στην ξενιτιά Greek Now You Go to Foreign Lands Nikos Gatsos / Manos Hadjidakis sung by Nana Mouskouri
Kachol Far From Home English (instrumental) / folk (Shetlands?) listen
Keshenavo Τι θέλεις, γέρο; Greek What Do You Want, Old Man? Giorgos Kalamariotis / Argyris Kounadis sung by Rena Koumiwti
Kmo SheAt Comme Toi French Like You Jean-Jacques Goldman performed by the artist; lyrics (with translation)
Kmo Sira Trufa Μετανιώνω Greek I Regret Natalia Germanou / Tony Kontaxakis sung by Despina Vandi
Kulanu BaMitzad В Путь! Russian Let's Go! Mikhail Dudin / Vasily Solovyov-Sedoi performed by the Russian Red Army Choir
Le'ehov Im Efshar दीदी तेरा देवर दीवाना Hindi Sister, Your Brother-in-Law is Crazy Dev Kohli / Raamlaxman performed in Hum Aapke Hain Koun..!
Lech L'Sfat HaYam Puttin' On the Ritz English Irving Berlin Astaire; Taco
Leylot Shel Ahava Μίλησέ μου Greek Talk to Me Nikos Gatsos / Manos Hatzidakis sung by Nana Mouskouri (with English subtitles), lyrics
Lu Slave French Slavic Jean-Marie Moreau / François Feldman listen; lyrics
Lu Yehi Let It Be English Paul McCartney watch
Mariposa Έλα και πάμε Greek Come, Let's Go Viki Gerothodorou / Dimitris Dekos sung by Nikos Vertis; more info here
MeEver LaKeshet Somewhere Over the Rainbow English Harold Arlen / Yip Harburg performed by Judy Garland
MiGavo'a From a Distance English Julie Gold Performed by Bette Midler
Nitzotz HaAhava Οι δυ' πα στέλιο έζησα μ' Greek Performed by Stelios Kazantzidis and Chrysanthos Theodoridis
Numa Numa Hey Dragostea Din Tei Romanian Love Under the Linden Tree Dan Bălan Official video from O-Zone, with lyrics, translation
Od Nashuv North to Alaska English Johnny Horton Performed by Johnny Horton
Ohevet Ozevet Κραυγή Greek Scream Nikos Karvelas sung by Anna Vissi
Perach Leyli Capullito de Alelí Spanish Little Lily Bud Rafael Hernández Marín sung by Guillermo Haidr; lyrics and translation
Pilpel U'Batatav Дилмано дилберо (Dilmano Dilbero) Bulgarian Beautiful Dilmana performed by Bulgarian Voices Berlin
Rafsoda Ανάθεμά σε Greek Damn you Yannis Kotsiras sung by composer, performed by Nina Kallergi among many others
Regesh Me'urav Borino Oro (Balkan) (instrumental) Stefan Hantel (Shantel) listen
Rikud Obsession Obsesión Spanish Obsession Aventura listen (click for lyrics)
Rikud HaYare'ach Moondance English Van Morrison sung by the composer
Rina Сердце Russian The Heart Vasily Levedev-Kumach/Isaac Dunaievsky listen
Rona زحمة Arabic Crowded Hassan Abu 'Atman / Hany Shanouda performed by Ahmad 'Adaweyah; much more information here
Saper Al Ahava Ποτέ, ποτέ, ποτέ Greek Never, Never, Never Nikos Ignatiadis sung by Giannis Parios and Eleni Dimou (incl. Greek lyrics)
Shalom Lach Eretz Nehederet City of New Orleans English Steve Goodman performed by Arlo Guthrie
Shecharchoret Morenica Ladino Little Dark Beauty folk sung by Mor Karbasi; lyrics & translation
Shir Al Etz (Al Haderech Etz Omed) אויפֿן וועג שטייט אַ בוים Yiddish Song About a Tree (On the Road Stands a Tree) Itzik Manger / Philip Laskowsky perfomed and stories of the poem
Shir HaShayara Τα παιδιά της άμυνας Greek Children of Defense Nikos Gatsos / Stavros Xarchakos sung by Nikos Dimitratos; lyrics/translation
Shir Megaresh et HaChoshech გოგოვ შენ კი გენაცვალე Georgian You, Girl, My Beloved Georgian folk watch here; more information and other versions here
Siman She'Ata Tsa'ir Whiskey in the Jar English Irish folk listen
Simlatech Hashzurah Молодежная Russian Youth Vasily Lebedev-Kumach / Isaac Dunaevsky listen performed in 1938 Russian movie Volga-Volga
Sonata Tango to Évora (instrumental) Loreena McKennit the original; much more info here
Susati Ve'Ani Песня старого извозчика Russian Old Coachman's song Yaroslav Rodionov / Nikita Bogoslovsky, 1941 listen
Tchol HaMitpachat Синий платочек Russian The Blue Handerchief Yakov Galitsky / Yezhy Peterburgsky listen
Tni Li (partner) Ελένη Greek Eleni (girl's name) Nikos Karvelas sung by Anna Vissi; lyrics
Todah Ολα καλα Greek It's All Good Stavros Kougioumtzis listen
VeShuv Itchem Sev Kardeşim Turkish Brotherly Love Şenay Yüzbaşıoğlu / Nurit Hirsh sung by Şenay (with lyrics); another version; note that the original is Hebrew, so this is a "reverse" cover; more information
Yaldati (Pnei Malach) Το τραγούδι μου Greek My Song Stelios Fotiadis sung by Glykeria; lyrics/translation
Yam HaMishalot Και πώς να κοιμηθώ Greek And How Will I Sleep? Nikos Vaksevanelis / Vasilis Kelaidis sung by Christos Pazis
Zingarella Zingarela French (girl's name) Enrico Macias lyrics; sung by Macias on top of Gina Lollobrigida dancing in The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Ziv Zeh Γίνεται Greek It's Possible Pantelis Pantelidis sung by Pantelidis; lyrics/translation