Hora Eclipse 1

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Hora Eclipse was a dance camp that took place August 18–21, 2017 at YMCA Trout Lodge and Camp Lakewood outside Potosi, MO. On the last day of camp, Monday, the group together observed a total eclipse of the sun (number 22 of Saros 145). The sky surrounding the sun was completely clear for most of the partial and all of the total phases of the eclipse.

Camp directors: Larry Denenberg and Karen Kaplan.

Featured teaching staff: Shmulik Gov-Ari, Kobi Michaeli, Mitch Ginsburgh.

International dance programming and instruction by Murray and Randi Spiegel and Joan Hantman.

Auxiliary programming by Aaron Rosenberg (nostalgia) and Becca Rausch (emtza haderech).

Yoga sun salutation led by Becca Rausch.

External links:



Dances taught

Larry's talks Eclipse 101 and Eclipse 201

Playlist of the evening sessions and some afternoon sessions

Advance publicity for Hora Eclipse 2

Facebook page